Dear colleagues
I am excited to inform you that we are in the process of creating a Short cases library on our website that will be freely available and accessible to all exam candidates.
The aim is to create a “bank” of short cases that will display the variety of cases commonly encountered in studying for the RACP clinical examination. A secondary aim is to chronicle the feedback and insight that candidates generally accumulate during the course of their preparation. We sincerely hope that you find it very useful.
As this is a library for the RACP clinical exam candidates, the best quality content will come from exam candidates themselves (ie yourself). I strongly encourage you to take a few minutes to share with us your most interesting, educational and insightful cases so that all may benefit .
This is also your chance to contribute to the Royal Flying Doctors Service and empower the wonderful work they do. From now until the end of the clinical examination period in Australia, Thinkflash Pty LTD will donate $5 for every case submitted to ThinkFlash. (see T&C below for details)
You just need to email your cases to
Together, we hope to create something truly useful.
Raj Mehta
Thinkflash Pty LTD
As much as possible, candidates should submit cases in the following format.
1. System type
2. Stem
3. System examined + any extra areas examined
4. Positive findings
a. These can be more detailed that the negative findings.
5. Negative findings
6. Top Differential diagnoses (max 3)
7. Reasoning for order of the differential diagnoses and any other insights
a. Here you may wish to mention the relevant positives and negatives and how they relate to your prioritization of diagnoses.
8. Any important elements missed and any other useful feedback received
a. This may be something you realized after finishing the case, or that was given in informal feeback by the examiner. eg Missed scar. “I missed a medial sternotomy scar which increased the likelihood of a VSD as differential for the pansystolic murmur”
Terms and Conditions AKA “The Nitty Gritty”
• The medical information contained in the “Short Case Library” is for educational & non-commercial use only
• The information does not constitute medical advice and should not be used as a substitute for medical advice gained from a registered medical practitioner.
• ThinkFlash Pty Ltd makes no representations, warranties or guarantees of any kind, and assumes no responsibility, for the accuracy, reliability, or completeness of the information.
• Candidates recognize that cases are for educational purposes only and should not be used for any educational purposes without a thorough cross referencing of the case content with other print material (eg textbooks)
• Cases are not to be used as medical advice or ideal answers for exam preparation. They are simply a demonstration of an individual viewpoint.
• Thinkflash Pty LTD is not responsible for any factual accuracy of the case diagnoses/differential diagnoses/insights that may be described in a short case description
• Thinkflash Pty LTD reserves the right to accept or reject any cases submitted
• There is an unlimited number of cases an individual candidate can submit; however Thinkflash Pty LTD will contribute a maximum of $10 per candidate to The Royal Flying Doctors Service (RFDS)
• $5 will be donated to RFDS for every case that is accepted for publication on
• Thinkflash reserves the right to publish the cases received on other related websites such as
• Cases must not identify any patients, candidates, examiners or hospitals. Any individual identifying information (with the exception of patient gender where relevant) will be removed at our discretion prior to publication.
• In an effort to maintain consistency and privacy, we cannot publish your name in attachment to a particular short case submitted. You will however receive a reply from us informing you if your case will be published online.
• The total tally of money raised from the submission of cases will be published on the website in September 2018.
• Thinkflash Pty LTD will endeavor to publish cases as they are received on the website
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